Kill germs on surfaces

ZGuard ™ Professional Multi-Surface Cleaner
Neutralizes Viruses Bacteria 100% Biodegradable Kills Tough Odors Fabric Safe

ZGuard ™ antimicrobial surface cleaner kills germs including bacteria, viruses, and fungi
that can travel through the air or linger on surfaces. ZGuard ™ ingredients have
undergone 14 years of extensive testing. Tests have shown Guard ™ kills SARS.
MRSA, human and canine coronaviruses, salmonella, E.coli, a variety of influenzas,
hepatitis B and C, and herpes simplex 1, among others*. Z-Guard is not only a
powerful cleaner but a potent sanitizer that destroys germs and disinfects the
surfaces you touch every day.
Guard ™ is the perfect solution for both personal and professional use. While it’s
harsh on germs, it’s not harsh on anything else. You can use it to sanitize even the
most sensitive surfaces, materials, and equipment. In addition to hard surfaces,
Guard ™ is completely safe to use on porous surfaces like upholstery and clothing
where it not only cleans but gets out pungent odors. Its water-based,
non-hazardous, environmentally friendly formula contains no synthetic surfactants
and is completely bio-degradable.
Because it’s a no rinse formula Guard ™ is very simple to use. With it, you can
clean and/or disinfect surfaces in one easy, effective step using standard, touchless
cleaning protocols.
ZGuard ™ ingredients are considered Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) by the
FDA under sections 201(S) and 409 of the US Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
Guard ™ is so safe its ingredients are US EPA exempt from registration
under the minimal risk pesticide FIFA section 25(b). In addition,
Guard ™ is classified as a Non-Irritant according to OSHA, US
D.O.T. and the Canadian Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act
testing protocols and thus requires no PPE’s as per 29CFR.
1 gallon
plastic jug
5 gallons
plastic pail
55 gallons
poly drum
275 gallons
poly tote
Contact us for pricing and ordering information: